Seven Stars, Seven Siblings, and One White Tree

Seven Lord of the Rings loving siblings discuss J.R.R. Tolkien's famous book series and all other things Tolkien.


Thursday Sep 23, 2021

Happy Bilbo and Frodo's Birthday! On today's show we put all of the parties listed in Tolkien's works to the test and rank them to find the ULITIMATE TOLKIEN PARTY! Is it the death party? The awkward wedding? The Political rally? TOMATOES??
Then we play a little "Who's Elvish Is It Anyway?". Yes. We do.
Music by:

Thursday Sep 23, 2021

This week we take a trip to ages past... or rather to the past year or so to bring you a "Best Of" Episode featuring selections from previous podcast episodes. (Your usual 7 congenial hosts had 7 busy schedules and couldn't record something new) Also Quincy has some thoughts on the first official photo from Amazon's upcoming Middle-Earth series.
Regular episodes will return next month.

Episode 12 - Tolkien Humor

Thursday Jul 22, 2021

Thursday Jul 22, 2021

On today's show we discuss humor is Professor Tolkien's work, including some of our very favorite funny parts from the books and movies. Many important things are discussed. Do dwarves make good footballs? Can Hobbits fly? Why do we have to apologize to Hugo Weaving again? Find out all that and more!   Music:

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021

In this episode we talk about what every other Tolkien fan has been talking about and discuss at length our thoughts and hopes for the two new Tolkien visual adaptations coming: The War of the Rohirrim Anime and the new Amazon LotR Prequel.  And Noelle talks at length about her love of Hot Dwarves. Also is the Mouth of Sauron actually Alice from the Brady Bunch?... Maybe?

Saturday May 22, 2021

Today the 7 Wheeler siblings decide who they would be if they were Lord of the Rings characters. (Spoilers: Surprisingly no one chose Lobelia Sackville-Baggins.) We also discuss if the Gaffer could just walk into Mordor or not. (Spoilers: He can.) Also Mom picks a character to be her child, and Dad and Quincy discuss the times when you have to make difficult decisions in life. 

Thursday Apr 22, 2021

It's a jumbo-sized episode today as the Wheeler Siblings discuss what actors they would cast in the Lord of the Rings films, if there was an alternate-universe of films. Only one rule! No repeating actors from the original films. Come along with us as we consider the best of the best of screen and stage. And Nicolas Cage. 

Monday Mar 22, 2021

Happy Gondorian New Year! In honor of March 25th the seven siblings present various creative projects to celebrate the downfall of Sauron. We're excited for you to hear what we have in store! Oliphaunts! Trees! Poetry! Cyndi Lauper! Sports!  Also Mom give motherly advice to a certain someone, and Dad gives a stirring reading.

Sunday Feb 21, 2021

This episode features our very first (non-family) guest! Lord of the Rings fan Kenny Dykes joins us to talk about what it's like to first discover Tolkien's world through the film versions, and then to later read the books. We also discuss Aragorn's pants (or lack thereof). Then Mom and Dad put in their own two cents about the LOTR films. But really this episode is about Aragorn's pants. 

Episode 6 - Hope

Thursday Jan 21, 2021

Thursday Jan 21, 2021

On this first episode of the new year, the Wheeler siblings are back to discuss the different times the theme of Hope is found in the Lord of the Rings... in case you needed some after 2020! Also, the Mom and Dad segments are back! Mom talks about some unique names she likes, and Dad tries to remember a unique name! 

Friday Dec 18, 2020

On the last episode of this year, the Wheeler siblings talk about all the food and drinks from Tolkien's book, and about some of their own favorites too. And they discuss the all important question: How do you like your dirt?

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